Cabinet vétérinaire soins chat chiens Vevey

Veterinary emergencies

Vevey – Riviera area

Your animal is really ill ?
Or has been injured?

Call us now

What to do in case of a pet emergency?

  1. Stay calm
  2. Always call the practice first at 021 922 87 88
  3. You will immediately receive instructions

How are emergencies treated at the practice?

– During opening hours

Emergencies are treated directly at the practice.

Always call us before deciding to bring your pet! Our team will guide you through the best and most efficient way to treat your pet.

– Out of hours – at night, during the weekend or during bank holidays

We are part of the local emergency out-of-hours veterinary service “Garde Vétérinaire de la Riviera Vaudoise.

Our answering machine will communicate the number of the on-call practice as well as the instructions to follow in case of emergencies

Emergency Tax

Emergencies are subject to a gradual fee depending on the time of day, evening or night your animal is treated. Emergencies must be payed directly at the practice.

Emergency tax depending on the time of day

WEEK – day time | CHF 45
EVENING 7 pm – 9 pm | CHF 48
WEEKEND – day time | CHF 77
NIGHT TIME 9 pm – 8 am | CHF 110

Type of pet emergencies

Accident – fall, car, burn, bite
State of shock
Post-operative problem
Difficulty breathing
Blood in the urine